Sketches, Doodles, & Cetera — Art & Illustration
Coloring Page: Witch in a Faerie Ring
Art & Illustration Coloring Pages Printables & Downloads Witchcraft

I took part in Inktober again this year, and it was a blast! Many of my drawings were witch-themed, and I thought they'd make fun, Halloween-y coloring pages. You can see all my posts on my Instagram. Files:• Download the Witch in a Faerie Ring coloring page here (PDF) - prints on 8.5" x 11" paper• Use regular printer paper or cardstock. You can even experiment with printing onto art papers to try some different coloring techniques.
Coloring Page: Cat in the Garden
Art & Illustration Coloring Pages Printables & Downloads

Tutorial: Colorful Hand Drawn Linework in Photoshop

In my quest to "find my style," I've spent a lot of time trying to figure out what I do and don't like in my drawings. One thing I've discovered I like a lot is the sketchy graphite linework in my initial thumbnail sketches, so I'm trying to find ways to bring that into my finished work.
I recently discovered an easier way to bring that into digital work, so I put together a tutorial to share it with you.
Scrapbooking Printable: Friday the 13th Cat
Art & Illustration Printables & Downloads

Desktop Wallpaper: Apple Picking
Art & Illustration Digital Downloads Pattern Design Printables & Downloads

A few weeks ago, I went out apple picking with my husband and our dog. We went to the Hood River Fruit Loop, and it was a most idyllic day, with beautiful blue skies (a rarity in October in Oregon). I was inspired to make a new repeating pattern, which I added to the Spoonflower shop, and I wanted to share it here as a desktop background as well. You can grab the file at the bottom of this post. (I threw a pear, and Roofus thought it was a tennis ball. When he ran to catch it, he was...