Sketches, Doodles, & Cetera
Scrapbooking Printable: Friday the 13th Cat
Art & Illustration Printables & Downloads
Desktop Wallpaper: Apple Picking
Art & Illustration Digital Downloads Pattern Design Printables & Downloads
A few weeks ago, I went out apple picking with my husband and our dog. We went to the Hood River Fruit Loop, and it was a most idyllic day, with beautiful blue skies (a rarity in October in Oregon). I was inspired to make a new repeating pattern, which I added to the Spoonflower shop, and I wanted to share it here as a desktop background as well. You can grab the file at the bottom of this post. (I threw a pear, and Roofus thought it was a tennis ball. When he ran to catch it, he was...
Embroidery Tutorial: Hungarian Braided Chain Stitch
Art & Illustration Embroidery Tutorials
I've been working on an embroidery of a flying monkey from The Wizard of Oz. I knew I wanted to play with some fun stitches, and his fur and the embroidery on his outfit seemed like a great way to experiment with some new techniques.I learned a new stitch for this project called the Hungarian braided chain stitch, and I thought I'd share it with you as a tutorial. It creates a really lovely textured, raised line that seemed perfect to decorate the monkey's little cap. Start with a small straight stitch at the beginning of your design line.Bring your needle up...
Embroidery Pattern: Stumpwork Tombstone & Ghost
Art & Illustration Embroidery Hand Lettering Printables & Downloads Tutorials
Printable: Miniature Tarot Cards
Miniatures Printables & Downloads Witchcraft